Nova levante sport house

The project deals with the construction of a new sports center which includes a large number of services to support the existing sports fields in Novalevante. Within the fragmented context of the sports fields, the project is inserted as a missing piece that reorganizes the surrounding activities. The insertion of this building in the landscape is reasoned by contrast. On the one hand the architectural sign stands out in the natural context, on the other it adapts to the slope of the land and defines new connections and open spaces.
The building assumes a compact but articulated shape, consisting of two elements: the platform and the ring. The platform is the basement level that connects the difference in level of the ground, integrating an outdoor stairway. The ring is the volume above ground, characterized by a circular courtyard where the entrance to the new sports house is located. The intersection of these two elements generates a crossable building which faces an internal courtyard (designed as a meeting place) and equipped with external spaces complementary to the various activities. The openings are designed to frame the views towards the valley and towards the town.
The design configuration facilitates pedestrian connections between the sports house and the inhabited center. The program is organized respecting the functional relationships with the sports fields and between the various activities.
Client: Comune di Nova Levante
Status: Competition – Second prize
Typology: Sport center, new construction
Team: Simona Della Rocca, Alberto Bottero, Paolo Bianco
Structure: IngeMBP srl
Site: Nova Levante (BZ), Italy
Year: 2019