BDR in db-Metamorphose n°154 “Stadt-spaziergänge”, “Bildung auf balkonien”, Tanja Feil, p.92-99, June 2020, ISSN 0721-1902
DBZ n°06
Featured in DBZ-Deutsche Bauzeitschrift n°06 2020 “Schulbauten”, “Offen für die Nachbarschaft”, Nadine Schimmelpfennig, p. 40-45, June 2020, ISSN 0011-4782
CASABELLA formazione
“BDR bureau+Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli”, cycle of seminars “Giovani Architetti italiani” organized by CASABELLA Formazione
Architectural Review n°1469
Featured in The Architectural Review n°1469, “Masculinities + W Awards”, “Upping the grade: Fermi Secondary School in Turin”, D. T. Ferrando, p.128-136, Mar 2020
Baumeister n°111
BDR published in Baumeister n°111 “Lichtblicke, Junge architekten große aufgaben”, “zeitlose verjüngung”, L. Lella, p.18-31, Feb 2020
Bauwelt n°117
Fermi school project has been published in Bauwelt n°117 “Schulen für den Nachwuchs”, “Quartiersschule weiterbauen ”, U. Brinkmann, p.36-41, Jan 2020
Our proposal for Novalevante Sporthouse architecture competition has been awarded 2nd prize
La fabbrica trasparente
We are happy to announce we have won the first prize in the competition The transparent factory – refurbishment of a factory with offices
We are honored to have been awarded the Giovane talento dell’architettura italiana 2019 prize, promoted by the national council of architects CNAPPC